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"Breathing is unquestionably a key function of the human body... Breathing, however, has other functions apart from the ventilation of air and the maintenance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Breathing affects motor control, postural stability, plays several roles in physiological and psychological regulation and can influence functions in other system including the autonomic nervous system, the circulatory system, chemical regulation and metabolism."

Dr. Rosalba Courtney, DO, PhD

Acute and chronic respiratory conditions tend to add tension to the breathing muscles and contribute to fascial restrictions and skeletal misalignment, reducing spinal mobility and affecting shoulder and rib cage functionality. How can Osteopathic Manual therapy and Posture-Breathing retraining help improve breathing and movement functionality?

Benefits of Osteopathic Manual Therapy and Posture-Breathing retraining


  • Improved posture and motor control. Both aspects are paramount to an enhanced breathing functionality.

  • Increased spinal and ribcage mobility, stability and functionality.

  • Reduced spasm of thoracic musculature and improved fascial restrictions and skeletal misalignment. 

  • Improved focus and stress response.

  • Improved lymphatic flow (by treating thoracic inlet restrictions).

  • Improved C3-C5 (neck) dysfunction and its effect on the phrenic nerve.


- Breathing training for dysfunctional breathing in asthma: Taking a multidimensional approach. Read



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Jaz Ibarra

Registered Manual Osteopath

BSc (Ost), BFA, DMT


These certifications provided me with knowledge and 

guidance on the identification and application of 

Osteopathic Manual techniques and Posture-Breathing retraining 

for the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory conditions.

  • Functional Breathing Screen Certification - Functional Movement Systems

  • Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) Techniques Addressing Respiratory Symptoms of COVID-19 - American Osteopathic Association &

American Academy of Osteopathy 

  • Frontline Perspectives On Treating COVID-19 Patients Using OMM - American Osteopathic Association & American Academy of Osteopathy 

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